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Tale of the Golden Droppings

Tale of the Golden Droppings

Panchtantra Stories

There lived a bird named Sindhuka on a big tree in the lap of a mountain, whose droppings would turn into gold when they hit the ground. One day, a hunter observed Sindhuka's droppings turn into gold, while he was searching for a prey. The hunter, struck by wonder, thought, "I have been hunting birds and small animals since I was a boy. I am now eighty years old. I have never seen in my life this kind of miracle."  He decided to get the bird some how and set a noose for him. Not aware of the trap, the bird stayed on the branch merrily singing. Soon, the noose tightened and the hunter caught the bird and pushed him into his cage.  The hunter took it home and considered, "If the king comes to know of this wonder, he will certainly take away the bird from me. Instead, I will go to the king and present the unique bird to him."  The hunter took the bird the following day to the king and presented it to him with great reverence. The king was extremely happy and told his men to keep the bird in safe custody and feed him with the best bird food. But his minister was reluctant to accept the bird. He said, "O Rajah, There is no use in trusting the word of this hunter and accepting the bird. Has anyone seen a bird dropping gold? Therefore, I request you to release the bird from the cage."  The king ordered the bird to be set free. As soon as the door of the cage opened, the bird perched himself on a nearby doorway and defecated. The dropping immediately turned into gold. Sindhuka then recited that line about fools, "First, I was a fool. Then the hunter and then the king and his ministers." Raktaksha continued, "That’s why I tell you that we are all fools in sparing the life of this minister of the crows, Sthirajeevi." Despite Raktaksha’s warnings, the owls continued to look after Sthirajeevi with great devotion. The crow minister became strong and powerful. Giving up all hopes of reforming his king and ministers, Raktaksha called his close colleagues and told them, "Friends, our king and his men are beyond reform. We have given whatever advice a minister has to give. We shall now leave this dangerous place and pitch our tents elsewhere. The elders have said, "He prospers who anticipates danger and escapes it. He who does not destroys himself." I have been living in this jungle for so long, I have become old. Yet, in all my life I have never heard a cave speaking like a human being."  "What, a cave speaking like a human being! Surprising. We have never heard of it. Please tell us all about it," asked his followers. Raktaksha then told them the following story.


Gunjan Kamal

27-Mar-2022 01:08 AM

Nice part


Fareha Sameen

26-Mar-2022 08:48 PM

